Proposals for a solar farm across 11 fields near an ancient Bucks village are set to be given the green lift.

It has been recommended that Buckinghamshire Council should grant permission for a scheme that could power more than 16,500 homes in the Aylesbury Vale district per year.

The plans have been scaled down following a similar, larger proposal on the same site in the village of Dinton-with-Ford and Upton, five miles southwest of Aylesbury.

The original plans were refused by the North Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee.

Low Carbon UK Solar Investment, who have put forward the plans, claims the new scheme is 35 hectares smaller and would have less of an impact on the surrounding landscape.

Planning officers at Buckinghamshire Council have advised the new proposal should be granted.

A planning statement says that the need for the solar farm is "particularly important", especially in the current energy crisis.

The statement reads: "The solar farm can meet the energy needs of approximately 16,580 homes in the District.

"The generation of this level of renewable energy therefore represents a substantial benefit which would be experienced if planning permission were to be granted.

“The scheme also represents a significant financial investment, it is estimated that there will be up to 100 construction workers on-site during peak times of the construction period, a number of which can be sourced locally along with procurement of certain materials.

"There is also the potential for greater indirect investment through increased use of hospitality businesses in the local area by a number of the workers. The solar farm is a subsidy-free project, meaning that there are no cost burdens on the taxpayer or bill-payer.

"More renewable projects on the network are ultimately a way of reducing the costs of bills to the consumer through lessening the reliance on foreign-derived energy sources such as gas.

“This is particularly important in light of the surge in wholesale gas prices which show no sign of abating due to current world events."

However, the Dinton-with-Ford and Upton parish council has raised objection to the proposals after plans for another solar farm have recently been approved nearby.

They said: “Since the parish council stated their objection to the application which is the subject of this appeal, an application for a further solar farm at Whirlbush Farm has been approved.

“Whirlbush Farm is adjacent to the existing Bumper’s Solar Farm and the addition of the adjoining proposed Callie’s Solar Farm would create a massive, sprawling industrial presence, despoiling the rural and tranquil aspect and character of this landscape.

“If this appeal is allowed, the impact and cumulative impact, within the setting of the Chilterns, would have a seriously adverse effect on the open rural landscape, detrimental to the visual and recreational value of the area.”