The future of Buckinghamshire Council offices that are 'significantly underused' in Amersham is up in the air as the authority reviews its current estate.

A concerned resident told the Bucks Free Press that the authority was planning to gradually close down the Buckinghamshire Council building on King George V Road in Amersham.

They claimed staff were told during a meeting on Tuesday, December 20, that the council was “running the place down” over the next 18 to 24 months before the building would be demolished to build flats.

Council's Amersham-based staff would be given the option to work from Aylesbury or from home, which many are already doing, they added.

The resident, who wished to remain anonymous, continued: “The social services will stay around.

“They’ve tried doing this in the past.

“It is of local interest – currently you can just walk in and deal with people directly.”

Buckinghamshire Council has responded to the concern raised to dispel the rumours.

Bucks Council cabinet member for Accessible Housing and Resources John Chilver said “no decisions have yet been taken” on the building’s future.

He said: “We are reviewing and seeking to rationalise our operational council buildings across Buckinghamshire as part of an overall strategy to make sure we are making best use of all of our office buildings and to ultimately provide the best value for money for residents.

"This was always the case once we became a new council with an estate inherited from all five legacy councils. Our estates strategy also considers how working patterns have changed after the Covid-19 pandemic.

"The Amersham office is part of this overall strategy and no decisions have yet been taken on its future; the current site is being significantly underused but it is likely that we will retain an office base in the town from where council staff can work, meetings can take place, and also local residents can access council services – decisions will be taken according to organisational and community need.

 "The full estates strategy is due to be considered by our Cabinet on January 5."

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