OPENING of the historical town swimming pool is expected soon despite a delay.

Chesham Moor Gym and Swim pool has undergone major refurbishment works to give the 111-year-old pool a new lease of life.

Swimmers and residents are keen to test the freshly filled pool, but it is not expected to open for “at least another week,” Chesham Town Council’s head of operational services Danny Essex.

“Sorry we are unable to put date on it at this time, but will update as soon as we can.”

History of the Chesham pool


The loved community asset will enter a new chapter in its history with its manager Alex Jones who started as a lifeguard, Mr Essex said.

He gone to build “a strong operational base” allowing swimmers to swim from 6am.

The pool itself dates back to the Edwardian era.

Mr Essex said: “The pools history is well established within Buckinghamshire ever since the 1890's when residents first raised their interests to have an outdoor swimming pool.

“In 1912 they completed the build and history was made. Their idea to fill it back then came by way of an artesian well and the water was emptied every seven days and obviously not heated.

“A UV and copper ionisation is used to reduce chlorine levels and we have 40 solar panels generating revenue.

“I have always strived to create a healthy environment in which to swim but most importantly the need for a community and it's at times like this (temporary closure) that you realise what it actually means to people.

“The Team at the Gym and Swim are unique and have worked hard to prepare the pool for its reopening and my hat goes off to them for their commitment.”