AN ‘abuse’ of steroids may have led to the death of a young man in Buckinghamshire.

Cameron Rose, 23, was found lying unresponsive on his bed at his home address in Loudwater on May 19 last year.

Buckinghamshire Coroners Court heard that attending paramedics verified Mr Rose’s death at 1.12pm.

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A toxicology report showed evidence of ‘abuse of anabolic steroids’ and the medical cause of death has been given as ‘sudden cardiac death due to left ventricular hypertrophy in the context of anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse’.

The post-mortem examination demonstrated ‘left ventricular hypertrophy which, on balance of probabilities, is connected with the steroid use and has led to a sudden fatal cardiac dysrhythmia’.

The coroner rules the death as ‘misadventure’.