A SHOCKED resident found multiple dead rabbits along a stretch of hedgerow on Monday morning. 

Gabriella McMahon, who owns a yoga studio in Bourne End, was on a walk on Monday (March 20) when she noticed several dead rabbits along the grass verge opposite Fern Lane near Little Marlow. 

She said: "It was shocking and sad to find them all huddled together like that. 

"They were all recently dead, it looked like they all died at the same time."

A representative from the RSPCA said they were sad to hear about the discovery of the rabbits and that the circumstances around the deaths are still unknown.

They added: "If anyone has any first hand information that these rabbits had been caused to suffer then it can be reported to the local wildlife crime police officers or ourselves on 0300 1234 999."

A Thames Valley Police spokesperson said: "We received a report of several dead rabbits found by a member of the public in a field opposite Fern Lane and Marlow Road near Little Marlow at around 2:45 pm yesterday.

"It was determined that no crime had been committed so the report was filed pending further information coming to light."

TVP has urged anyone with further information to call 101 or make a report via their website, quoting reference number 43230123999.