VILLAGERS have expressed their anger at a pub allegedly being used as a car dealership.

High Wycombe boozer The Crown Radnage closed in January to the disappointment of nearby residents. 

It was sold by previous owner Steven Smith to new owner Caleb Wenman in February, after the City Road boozer attracted "extremely high levels of interest with 17 viewings on the opening date alone".

But the pub hasn't reopened and remains shut to the public. Instead, the land next to it has been operating as a car dealership behind fancy, tall gates.

A website called Daimler Benz of Buckinghamshire has images of Mercedes cars being sold in front of the Crown's building. The owner has been contacted for comment. 

Residents contacted the Bucks Free Press about their concerns with The Crown operating as a car dealership instead of a pub.

Bethany Mullett said: "It's really sad, yet another local pub has or is in the process of being lost. The Crown has been a local real hub of the village and it's really hard to connect with everyone now.

"We have had lovely chap move here with his wife and this is first opportunity he's had to meet people at a parish council meeting, not at the local pub."

"Everyone is really emotional and sad about it. Someone said the other day, they're [pubs] worth so much more than money to this community.

"I'm all for people making money and being entrepreneurial but taking away local community shouldn’t be the way to do it."

In the photo above, you can see the cars nearly displayed behind a new wooden fence and metal gate.

Bucks Free Press:

Adrian Johnstone said: "The pub is closed, the car park has been closed off with a very expensive “temporary” closed boarded fence and it is full of expensive motors and the establishment is now trading and advertising as Daimler Benz of Buckinghamshire! 

"Too many pubs are being lost to sharp practice or asset stripping, with the financial failure of the Mash, the village, its two camp/caravan sites and the wider area generally needs the continuance of the pub as a going concern, not in contravention of planning a used car lot!"

Caleb Wenman of Daimler Benz of Buckinghamshire has been contacted for a comment. 

A village action group started after the pub was sold to highlight the need for local rural pubs to be saved, hoping to get the asset of community value (ACV) reinstated for the Mash Inn.

The village then submitted an ACV for The Crown on May 3 and funds have been raised to secure the help of a planning consultant, who is advising residents on how to save both pubs.