A VILLAGE pub has submitted a plan to Buckinghamshire Council to sell cars for "three years" to secure the future of the free house.

High Wycombe boozer The Crown Radnage closed in January to the disappointment of nearby residents. 

It was sold by previous owner Steven Smith to new owner Caleb Wenman in February, after the City Road boozer attracted "extremely high levels of interest with 17 viewings on the opening date alone".

But the pub hasn't reopened and remains shut to the public. Instead, the land next to it has been operating as an online car dealership.

At the end of June, an application was submitted to Bucks Council for the erection of extensions to the existing pub and letting use and use of the car park for internet car sales for a "temporary period of three years".

The site sits on Green Belt land and the Chilterns AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty). 

As outlined in the previous applications in 2006 and 2012, it is considered that The Crown is a well-established community facility within the centre of Radnage.

Although it closed earlier in the year, this principle has not changed.

Mr Wenman believes the proposals "would enhance the viability of the business such that it can re-open, and subject to matters of detail would accord with the aims of promoting tourism in the AONB and the aims of the NPPF in terms of supporting a prosperous rural economy."

The landlord also believes the change of use of the car park for internet car sales is for a "temporary period of three years only, and will help to facilitate the development of the pub and letting facilities through the revenue created."

The applicant is proposing a two-storey pub extension to create an "adequately sized kitchen as well as modern restrooms."

There are also additional letting blocks in the plan to "provide an additional source of income to ensure that the pub can stay viable and secure the long-term future of the pub."

The applicant acknowledges the community has submitted an Asset of Community Value for the pub.

Explaining: "It is hoped that there may be some support for this application, which will allow the pub to be saved whilst also creating additional employment benefits and potential future investment elsewhere on the site."