WEEKLY round up of hearings at Wycombe Magistrates’ Court. 


June 2

STUART HORNSEY, 35, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to stealing a bottle of wine and a bottle of vodka to the value of £34 from Asda in Bletchley on Mary 28 this year. He was given a period of conditional discharge for 12 months. There were also court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £26.

JACKIE HILL, 48, of Wantage Close, Wing, Leighton Buzzard, pleaded guilty to drink driving on December 3 last year in Aylesbury with namely 164 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. She was disqualified from driving for 20 months, reduced by 20 weeks, and fined £120. There were also court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £48.

JAMIE GIBBS, 22, of Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges, indicated guilty to possessing a bladed weapon in public, namely a lock knife, on April 22 in High Wycombe. He was given a period of conditional discharge for 12 months and an order was made for the lock knife to be forfeited and destroyed. There were also court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £26.

AMANDA BUTLER, 45, of West Street, Buckingham, indicated guilty to possession of a Class A drug on April 13 in Buckingham. She was fined £120 and an order was made for the drugs to be forfeited and destroyed. There was a victim surcharge of £48 and no other order for costs.


It is established in the UK that court cases should be heard in public. This principle of open justice is acclaimed on a number of grounds: as a safeguard against judicial error and as a deterrent to perjury, to assist the deterrent function of trials and to permit the revelation of matters of public interest. Costs include victim surcharge and courts charges.