Buckinghamshire Council has labelled Thames Water’s actions to ignore their conditions that have led to mass traffic in the county as ‘unacceptable’.

Since the schools re-opened this month after the summer holiday, heavy delays and gridlock roads have been spotted along the A418 near Stone and Aylesbury because of the repairs.

This comes after Thames Water ignored their allocated time of putting in temporary traffic lights outside their conditional hours of 9.30am and 3pm.

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In a statement that was published on September 14, Buckinghamshire Council said that the company, ‘failed to follow these requirements since the beginning of this week’ and that their behaviour is ‘totally unacceptable’ due to the ‘significant adverse effect on the wider network.’

The A418 between Aylesbury and Stone has been hit with many delays this month

Numerous residents and motorists have complained to the council about the issue, with commuters being ‘understandably annoyed and angry.’

Buckinghamshire Council said: “We have responded proactively, and the Street Works team has been on site each day this week instructing Thames Water to remove the lights outside of the permitted hours.

“For the remaining duration of the works, which are due to end September 22, 2023, the Street Works Inspector will attend on-site at the start and end of each day to ensure that Thames Water follows the conditions of their permit.

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 “Additionally, a senior level meeting will be held with Thames Water to remind them of their obligations, and warnings and fines will be issued for not following the conditions of the permit.

“Whilst the council cannot prevent the work from taking place, we do take breaches of this sort very seriously and will enforce the legislation in full.

“Any further breaches of the work conditions will result in our revoking the permit and stopping all works.”

Councillor Steven Broadbent, Cabinet Member for Transport at Buckinghamshire Councils added: “We know this is causing a lot of frustration and inconvenience for residents and commuters due to the significant traffic delays, especially at the start and end of the day.

“We are also aware, as are residents and commuters, that over the last few weeks, there have also been significant traffic disruptions along the A41 Tring Road because of other Thames Water mains works.

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“This has caused a lot of frustration and inconvenience for drivers coming in and out of Aylesbury due to the significant traffic delays, especially at the start and end of the day.

The council is closely monitoring this and is working with Thames Water to expedite the works so they can be completed as soon as possible.”