A Bucks cyclist has praised the creation of do-it-yourself cycle lanes near her home as a safer alternative to official routes.

Liz Lorente, 64, from Marlow, discovered DIY cycle lane markings leading from Wharf Lane in Bourne End to Marlow on Monday, September 11.

She said that while she doesn’t know who had taken the initiative to mark the route between the two towns, she thought the idea was ‘great’.

“It’s such a no-brainer to have a designated route between Marlow and Bourne End because the terrain is so flat.

“Cycle routes, in general, are so bad around Buckinghamshire. Most of them are essentially just roads. 

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"If you're cycling between Marlow and Bourne End now, you have to go along the A4155, which is narrow and very close to cars going at 60mph, making it very scary."

However, Steven Broadbent, Cabinet Member for Transport at Buckinghamshire Council, said the markings would be painted over and encouraged cyclists to use already-designated bicycle lanes instead.

He said: “While we appreciate residents wanting to encourage cycling and active travel in the county, for safety reasons, we urge everyone to stick to already marked routes.

“To avoid confusion, we don’t condone people adding their own road markings to Buckinghamshire highways. We will paint over the markings as soon as possible, but this will of course cost time and money."