A local council have met to discuss a fast-food giants plans to trade 24/7 as a restaurant and takeaway in Taplow.

McDonald's has confirmed it will be opening in the Bishops Centre in Taplow in November.

On August 25 McDonald's applied to serve food throughout the night in a bid to provide a 24/7 service.

They are seeking to be granted a premises license to use their new site located at Unit 7, The Bishops Centre, for the provision of late-night refreshments for the sale of hot food and drink from 11pm to 5am Mondays to Sundays.

Currently, McDonald's holds a license to serve food and drink between the hours of 5am to 11pm.

In the application, McDonald's said: "This restaurant understands that in extending our opening hours we have a duty to the local community and that we continue to protect our staff and customers from danger and harm. 

"It should be noted that no McDonald’s restaurant within the United Kingdom serves alcohol and further none of our drinks or food are served to customers in glass receptacles."

On Wednesday, October 11, Buckinghamshire Council met to discuss whether the license should be granted.

Licensing Officer Stacey Bella outlined how no objections were made against the application by the police, licensing authority, environmental health and fire authority.

However, 91 objections were made by members of the public and other parties, on the grounds of crime and disorder, public safety, prevention of public nuisance and protecting children from harm.

Many also cited anti-social behaviour, dangers of traffic and parking, an increase in litter and noise as reasons they wished for the licensing application to be refused.

Julia Shanu-Wilson stated she has objections to the application stating: "There is going to be a lot of people congregating outside because there is insufficient seating inside therefore causing public noise and nuisance."

McDonald's legal representative reaffirmed that full lighting and CCTV will be in operation.

Another individual raised the presence of another McDonald's on the Bath Road just a mile or two down the road. He asked how McDonald's had evaluated the need for another restaurant.

The applicants legal representative said: "Need is not a relevant factor, it is a matter for planning and not relevant for the licensing authority, so you should not take it into account."

Cllr George Sandy asked whether there is a need for 24/7 trading. However he was told this is not something the licensing committee can answer.

Julia Shanu-Wilson said neighbours were not informed of the application and many have had to find out through a piece of paper on the window of the new store. 

Colin McDonald added: "With respect to the actual format of how residents were informed. I don't think it is appropriate. I think it is quite underhanded how this is being handled by both council and McDonald's."

Alaka Thomlinson, Legal and democratic services, responded by stating: "It is not appropriate for you to make those kind of comments. It has been properly and legally notified and there is no form of prior agreement or underhand dealings with McDonald's."

Catherine Knight told the McDonald's legal representative: "You are not thinking in terms of the local community.

"The lanes that come down from other areas are not suitable for night driving, the A4 has accidents often, young people have been killed recently. It is not a safe environment for people between the hours of 11pm and 5am. There is not a need for this."

Roger Worthington added his concerns about creating a 24 hour corridor between Slough and Maidenhead through the greenbelt. 

Joe Mc Gochian raised concerns about parking, stating the Bishops Centre is the "worst thing to have happened to the area".

"You will change this environment forever," said one resident on the plans.

The council are to make their decision known by Wednesday, October 18.