Buckinghamshire Council is seeking public opinion on its draft Housing Strategy for 2024 to 2029.

The strategy, formed with the help of housing associations, developers and community groups, outlines the council's plan to address present and future housing needs and challenges across the county.

The draft identifies three key priorities: addressing the needs of a diverse population, better homes matching quality, sustainability and need, and affordable, accessible new homes.

The consultation includes the council's planned actions and dwells on the region's upcoming challenges.

Available online or as a paper copy, the consultation is open until midnight on December 18, 2023.

Mark Winn, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Homelessness and Regulatory Services, said: “We all know Buckinghamshire is a wonderful county in which to live.

"It is vital for the growth of our economy and the welfare of our residents that everyone in Buckinghamshire has access to a safe, secure and suitable home that meets their needs and aspirations. Our draft Housing Strategy sets out how we plan to achieve this over the next five years, working with our partners and local communities.

“The strategy also recognises the opportunities to improve the quality and sustainability of existing homes, to enable new affordable housing development for those in housing need and to support residents to live independently and live well in their homes.

“This is our first countywide Housing Strategy and we want to hear from as many people as possible. So please take part in the consultation and let us know what you think.”

You can share your thoughts on the draft Housing Strategy at Your Voice Bucks.