WEEKLY round up of hearings at Wycombe Magistrates’ Court. 


September 4

PETER HOWES, 55, of Mendip Way, High Wycombe, pleaded guilty to using threatening or abusive words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress on February 18 this year in High Wycombe as well as damaging a Pace code book belonging to Thames Valley Police on February 18 this year in Aylesbury. He was fined £160 and ordered to pay £5.99 in compensation. There were also court costs of £75.

NICOLAE ION, 70, of Eastwood Road, Stokenchurch, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen for testing on April 4 this year in Stokenchurch. She was disqualified from driving for 20 months and fined £346. There were also court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £138.

MARCIN ARTEMSKI, 45, of The Frithe, Slough, pleaded guilty to drink driving in Fulmer on June 8 this year with 131 microgrammes of alcohol in millilitres of breath. He was given a community order to complete 80 hours of unpaid work and was disqualified from driving for 32 months, reduced by 32 weeks. There were also court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £114.

NOAH WAKEHAM, 28, of Denham Green Close, Denham, pleaded guilty to drink driving in Denham on July 31 this year with 72 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath as well as driving while disqualified. He was given a community order to abstain from alcohol for 100 days and was made subject to electronic monitoring. He was also disqualified from driving for 40 months, reduced by 40 weeks, and will need to complete 25 days of rehabilitation activity. There were also court costs of £85.


It is established in the UK that court cases should be heard in public. This principle of open justice is acclaimed on a number of grounds: as a safeguard against judicial error and as a deterrent to perjury, to assist the deterrent function of trials and to permit the revelation of matters of public interest. Costs include victim surcharge and courts charges.