A man’s bid to convert a garage into a beauty treatment business has been rejected by Buckinghamshire Council.

Mr Alastair Parr was refused a certificate of lawfulness for his plans at 6 Penington Road, Beaconsfield.

Access to the garage of the detached home would be “via a side door not visible from the road”, according to the application.

The garage-cum-beauty studio would have operated between 9am and 6pm, Tuesday to Saturday, a council officer’s report said.

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Between three and four clients would have attended appointments each day, typically for treatments lasting between one and two hours.

The refusal of the certificate of lawfulness was because the plans “constituted a material change of use of the land”.

In their report, the officer said: “Conversion of the garage to a beauty treatments business constitutes a material change of use which is not incidental to the enjoyment of the residential use of the application dwelling. As such, planning permission is required for the proposed change of use.”