A former retail unit in the Eden Centre is set to become an education/tutoring centre if plans get the green light.

This is one of many applications submitted to Buckinghamshire Council this week.

The facility promises employment opportunities and intends to bring the now-vacant unit in 17 Union Parade, High Wycombe, into active economic use.

This conversion promises to benefit the community and enhance the vibrancy of the Eden Centre and the wider town.

The proposal, submitted on November 27, details a plan by Arka Learning, an emerging educational enterprise with a vision of revamping supplementary education.

They aim to set up affordable learning centres that deliver high-quality, personalised English and Maths education for students aged 7-11.

Arka Learning is tapping into a new market across the UK, establishing specialised study environments designed to foster a love for academic subjects, thus improving students' performance.

Arka Learning's intent is to seek venues in town centres, including high street and shopping centre locations, this maximises convenience for children and parents.

The strategic positioning of their learning centres could drive new footfall to town centres while maximising potential for linked trips.

The proposed initiative demonstrates clear compatibility with established high streets and centres, providing a distinct advantage to the immediate area.

The founders and directors of Arka Learning, Will Orr-Ewing and Josh Pull, are also the brains behind Keystone Tutors, a leading provider of one-to-one tutoring in the UK.

They have garnered considerable experience since establishing Keystone in 2007, which has supported over 10,000 students in over 100 countries.

Their mission with Arka Learning is to expand their reach to a broader market and create learning centres offering cost-effective education.

Arka Learning identified the Eden Centre as an ideal place to set up its first centre.

Up until recently, this building at 17 Union Parade was occupied by 'Sugar Sole' in a retail capacity but has been vacant for some time.

This proposal will allow it to return to a worthwhile purpose, contributing to the local community and the overall vitality of the town centre.

The plan not only aims to 'recycle' currently unused property but also to bring benefits to the parents who can make use of the surrounding shopping area whilst their children are having lessons.

The application is currently awaiting a decision from the council.

If approved, the project aims to boost the local economy by creating jobs and fostering enterprise while providing a valuable education resource in the heart of the community.

The applicant believes the education centre would become an integral part of the Eden Centre’s continuing regeneration.