Parents and other people in Buckinghamshire have been asked for their views on school transport as students are being encouraged to walk.

Buckinghamshire Council has launched a consultation on proposed changes to its Home to School Transport policies.

The changes aim to make the school transport policies clearer and to provide more detailed information on some topics, including transport for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Some pupils between the ages of five and 16 are eligible for free home to school travel assistance if their walking route to their nearest suitable school is within the statutory walking distance limits but is unsafe.

The council’s Cabinet Member for Transport, Steven Broadbent, said: “The council encourages safe, sustainable ways of getting to school.

“By working within our budget to review and improve walking routes, we aim to increase the number of families walking or wheeling to school.”

The councillor said walking and talking on the way to school was a “great way to connect with others” and could improve air quality around our schools.

Where a walking route previously assessed as unsafe is made safe, pupils’ eligibility for travel assistance will be reviewed.

To take part in the consultation, visit: