Police officers obtained a closure order for a house in Buckinghamshire after a residing family were linked to incidents of ‘serious violence’ using weapons.

Thames Valley Police partnered with Milton Keynes Council yesterday (February 2) to obtain a full premises closure order for a home address in Beadlemead, Netherfield in Milton Keynes.

The closure order, which will stay in effect for a maximum of three months, was granted in court due to the involvement of a residing family in “several incidents of serious violence” during which weapons had been used.

Community Support Officer Colborne from the South Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “The occupants in this case were given ample opportunity to change the activities and behaviour occurring at the address, which they chose not to do.

“Thames Valley Police take incidents of serious violence and incidents involving weapons very seriously and will stop at nothing to reduce these to keep the communities safe.

“We would like to thank the residents who have supported the police and the council during this process.

“This sends a very clear message to anyone involved in violent incidents, anti-social behaviour of this kind and any incidents involving weapons, (indicating) that severe action will be taken.”