A lake situated along the Berkshire/Buckinghamshire border has been ranked as one of the best to visit for fishing in the UK.

Farlows Lake, which is based in Iver, came in as the fourth greatest in the country, with an average score of 8.24.

The survey was conducted by Fishing Republic as they analysed fishing licence requirements, average day permit cost, additional cost for a second rod, availability of night fishing, suitability for beginner anglers, cost of parking, number of fish species, availability of a café/tackle shop, and types of fishing available at a range of locations in the UK to reveal the best spots.

The study revealed that Farlows Lake's average cost for a day permit was £13, making it the third-joint cheapest in the country.

The lakes also boast six different species of fish, free parking, a £4 charge for an extra rod, along a bait shop.

It has also been classed as an ‘ideal’ place for beginners to visit.

The full list of the 10 best fishing lakes according to Fishing Republic is as follows:

Bucks Free Press: The lakes that have been voted the best in the UKThe lakes that have been voted the best in the UK (Image: The lakes that have been voted the best in the UK)

For more information, go to www.farlowslake.co.uk.