A traffic management company has apologised after one of its drivers held up traffic while stopping at Subway to buy a sandwich. 

Graham Butler, who lives in Marlow, was walking down Spittal Street on Sunday, February 11, when he saw an Avanti Traffic Management van pull up on double yellow lines on the side of the 'narrow' road.

To his surprise, the driver flicked on the van's hazard lights before stepping out and entering the nearby Subway shop, leaving traffic to accumulate on either side in his wake.

Graham said: "I understand that there are numerous traffic works around Marlow town centre, (but) one area in particular that creates chaos is the section of the A3155 between Boots and the Dean Street car park.

"It's narrow, between two roundabouts, and has a pedestrian crossing at one end which means the automotive traffic flow becomes unregulated. Both sides of the road also have busy pavements."

He described the incident of the driver stopping in the middle of the street to buy his lunch as a "traffic hazard", adding: "He was (in) there for about five minutes and traffic build-up ensued both to the front and rear of his company vehicle, with cars forced to travel in one lane.

"If Avanti is involved in any work around Marlow in the future, I would suggest that this event is taken into consideration (before) awarding any contracts for roadworks."

A spokesperson for the traffic management company said they had been notified of the incident, describing it as "disappointing and not the normal practice we expect".

They added that an apology had been personally issued to Graham, and appropriate action had been taken.