There were delays on the roads in a village near High Wycombe due to horse and cart. 

At around 6pm on Monday, April 29, queues were spotted along Pond Approach in Holmer Green heading towards Amersham with cars going at around 15mph on the 30mph road.

At first, it wasn’t known what was causing the build-up, but after a car pulled into Turners Place, it was revealed that two young men were seen riding a cart attached to a horse.

They then pulled into a layby opposite a row of shops.

One person who was in the area said: “It caused a bit of a queue as cars were going quite slowly. It was mainly by the petrol station near the shops.

“There were two people in the cart and they pulled into the layby.

“Not seen something like that in Holmer Green before.”

After publication of the article, the mother of the man driving the horse and cart got in touch.

She said her son was out with a friend driving his pony. She said: "He was driving,  as he always does , in a totally acceptable manner and at a perfectly controlled and safe speed.

"He is a very accomplished horseman and has been doing this from a young age."

  • An earlier edition of this article described this as a pony and trap race. It has been pointed out that this was incorrect. We apologise for this error.