A yellow weather warning for thunderstorms has been issued for Buckinghamshire and other parts of the Southeast on what is expected to be the hottest day of 2024 so far.

Temperatures could reach as high as 27C today (Sunday, May 12) but the recent warm and sunny spell might disappear by the end of the day.

A yellow thunderstorm warning has been issued by the Met Office for between the hours of 1pm and 11pm.

A spokesperson for the government agency said “heavy showers and thunderstorms” could lead to disruption later today, especially to travel.

Power cuts and flooding of homes and businesses are also possible.

Honor Criswick, a meteorologist at the Met Office, said storms might “band together” in areas across the UK, causing intense bursts of lightning and heavy rainfall.

She added: “We might see highs of 27C in London today, and it might just reach 28C in areas of central England and the Southeast, which is where we’re likely to see the best of the weather throughout the day.

“It’s likely to be a bit muggy in places too, but today is likely to be the peak. From tomorrow onwards, things will start to get a bit cooler.

“It will still be fairly warm, with temperatures in the high teens and early twenties, but cooler than it has been over the past few days.”