It was the hottest day of the year at the time, and many people across High Wycombe were looking forward to enjoying an evening in the sun.

However, the events that unfolded on Friday, May 10 made it one of the darkest days in the town’s recent history, as a domestic between two disgruntled neighbours put a suburb in lockdown which saw children separated from their parents and three people suffer injuries.

So what exactly happened in Downley that fateful Friday?

In between 7pm and 8pm, Thames Valley Police officers received reports that a man in his 60s had been stabbed at a property in School Close.

Bucks Free Press: Where the shooting took place on School CloseWhere the shooting took place on School Close (Image: NQ)

They quickly arrived at the scene where they found the victim, along with a 54-year-old man, with a weapon.

That weapon turned out to be a crossbow.

Things escalated as video footage obtained by the Free Press showed the suspect running with his crossbow along the street as police officers tried to defuse the situation.

But things only got worse as the archaic weapon was deployed, with the arrow striking a cop in front of several houses, as residents watched on in horror.

The suspect was then gunned down by a fellow officer, with each person being taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Thankfully, the man in his 60s, and the injured policeman were discharged that night [May 10], as the alleged perpetrator was stretchered off into an ambulance and taken to hospital where they remain.

Bucks Free Press: Armed police officers were at the sceneArmed police officers were at the scene (Image: NQ)

He is currently in a stable condition but has potentially suffered ‘life-changing injuries’ as a result of the incident.

Following the incident, members of the public who were outside enjoying the sunshine by a nearby green were demanded to take cover and vacant the area, but not in the direction of where the crime took place, whilst those in the Downley Community Centre were told not to leave the building.

This meant several children were not reunited with their parents/guardians for several hours.

What followed over the next few days was the complete antithesis of what should happen on a relatively quiet residential street near High Wycombe.

Bucks Free Press: The front door with smeared blood onThe front door with smeared blood on (Image: NQ)

Large sections of School Close were cordoned off from the public, as detectives, inspectors, sergeants, police officers and forensics were on hand to piece together what caused the events to transpire the way they did.

As the clock neared midnight on May 10, forensic officers were seen examining blood splatted on the front door of the alleged victim, whilst the coppers were on hand to guard the street.

This took place as the Northern Lights were seen shining through the night sky.

It was an incredibly eerie evening in Downley.

The next day [Saturday, May 11], members of the press, residents, and officers visited the street to see the scene in the light, and it didn’t make pretty viewing.

Bucks Free Press: The incident happened near the Downley Community CentreThe incident happened near the Downley Community Centre (Image: NQ)

The blood on the front door was clearly visible, and it wasn’t known when the cordon would be lifted.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Metcalfe said: "First and foremost, our thoughts are with all of those affected by this distressing incident, the assault victim and his family, our own officers and staff, and the local community.

"The man in his sixties who suffered a stab wound has been discharged from hospital.

"The injured police officer is based at High Wycombe police station. He was discharged from hospital last night and we are supporting him.

"The 54-year-old man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder remains in hospital under police supervision in a stable condition with serious, potentially life-changing injuries.

Bucks Free Press: Forensics at the scene on May 10Forensics at the scene on May 10 (Image: NQ)

"It is very fortunate no one suffered life-threatening injuries.

"We were able to bring the incident to a swift conclusion, with all victims being treated following a rapid response by South Central Ambulance Service.

"Our officers showed incredible bravery by confronting the armed offender and warning members of the public to keep away; they are a credit to the force and the community.

Bucks Free Press: Many police officers were at the crime scene on May 10Many police officers were at the crime scene on May 10 (Image: NQ)

"We are giving all the support we can to the officer who was injured during the incident; he is in good spirits given the circumstances, as are most of those involved in the events of last night, which shows the remarkable resilience of our people.

"From the first call taker in our control room, who was on their first day taking calls, to the rest of the control room involved, to the attending police officers, including armed response and dog handling teams, to everyone helping in the aftermath, I’d like to thank them all for their efforts and for continuing to show impressive levels of resilience and dedication.

Bucks Free Press: A police van by the alleged suspect's house on May 13A police van by the alleged suspect's house on May 13 (Image: NQ)

“We are also engaging with the Independent Office for Police Conduct, as mandatory in these circumstances.”

The cordon was eventually relaxed in the evening of May 11/early hours of May 12, and by Monday, May 13, restrictions were fully lifted apart from the pathway leading to the alleged suspect's house.

Bucks Free Press: The incident happened last Friday eveningThe incident happened last Friday evening (Image: NQ)

Images taken from the crime scene show shattered windows from the property, whilst the blood, which has been smeared along the front door, turned into a pinkish colour.

The crossbow has been seized by the police, with the suspect being arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

By Tuesday, May 14, all the restrictions had been lifted. 

Buckinghamshire commander Chief Superintendent Emma Burroughs said: “This was a hugely challenging and unsettling incident for the local community in Downley and our people.

Bucks Free Press: Forensics were also at the scene on May 11 Forensics were also at the scene on May 11 (Image: NQ)

“I do not underestimate the impact it has had on the community so we are doing all we can to support people, such as patrols in the area over the coming day and engagement with stakeholders such as councillors, the MP and our independent advisory group.

“Of course, there is still a large police presence in School Close and the nearby park so anyone with concerns can speak to a uniformed police officer there.

Bucks Free Press: Shattered windows from the alleged suspect's houseShattered windows from the alleged suspect's house (Image: NQ)

“We are also aware of the impact on our officers and staff in the local command unit in Buckinghamshire so we have welfare resources in place and sending our best wishes to the injured officer.”