A nine-year-old boy will celebrate his 10th birthday party at the end of June in style by cutting off his hair.

Phoenix Rey, who plays for the youth team at Flackwell Heath FC and is a huge Arsenal fan, began to grow his locks in 2022 after he wanted to resemble some of his favourite fictional and real-life heroes.

During that period, he was made aware of the Little Princess Trust, a Hereford-based charity that provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer.

Bucks Free Press: Phoenix began to grow his hair in 2022Phoenix began to grow his hair in 2022 (Image: NA)

He has now decided to cut off his locks at the end of his 10th birthday party on June 29, with his hair being donated to the cause.

He is also hoping to raise £700 for the charity via a JustGiving page, which has so far accumulated £505.

Speaking on his JustGiving page, he said: “I decided the best time to cut my hair would be at the end of my 10th Birthday Party with all of my friends there to cheer me on and celebrate so there will be lots of photos and videos to share once I've had the big chop and I can always grow my hair again if I miss it.

Bucks Free Press: Phoenix in 2022 with a much shorter trimPhoenix in 2022 with a much shorter trim (Image: NQ)

“I decided the best time to cut my hair would be at the end of my 10th birthday party with all of my friends there to cheer me on and celebrate.

“There will be lots of photos and videos to share once I've had the big chop and I can always grow my hair again if I miss it.”

A stylist from Menspire in Beaconsfield has offered to his services to trim Phoenix's hair, which will take place at the Redgrave Leisure Centre in Marlow.

Around 100 people are expected to arrive to cheer the soon-to-be 10-year-old on.

Bucks Free Press: Phoenix now in 2024Phoenix now in 2024 (Image: NA)

Phoenix's mum, Jade Hogarth, said: “He has been growing his hair for over two years to donate for a child who has lost their hair to cancer treatment/other conditions.

“Phoenix has always been a very selfless, caring and soulful child and decided to do this after becoming more aware of childhood cancer so I would love to show him what an incredible and rare thing he is choosing to do at such a young age.

“I am so very proud of him and either way, and extremely grateful for your time reading this.”

To help Phoenix reach the £700 goal (the cost of hand-making the wig and fitting costs), click here.