A 40-year-old man has been jailed for nearly two years after trying to get rid of a wrap of heroin while being detained by police.

Andrew Short, of Churchmere Walk, Aylesbury, pleaded guilty to the supply and intent to supply heroin at Aylesbury Crown Court on Thursday, May 16.

The 40-year-old was sentenced to a year and 10 months in prison.

He was stopped by officers who suspected him of dealing in April and tried to discard a wrap of heroin while being taken into custody.

A consequent property search found a further quantity of the class A drug, and Short’s mobile phone also had messages linked to drug dealing.

Investigating officer, PC Levi Fensom, of Buckinghamshire Proactive Team, said: “We are committed to tackling drug crime and bringing those who seek to deal drugs to justice.

“As in this case, you will be brought to court and could face a custodial sentence.

“If you have any information about the supply of drugs in your neighbourhood, please report it to us via 101 or the Thames Valley Police website.

“Your information is important in helping us to build a picture of what is happening and take action.”