Councillor Paul Mason has been elected as the new mayor of Beaconsfield Town Council for the next civic year.

Conservative Cllr Mason was elected at the council’s annual meeting last week, along with Cllr Lorna Shaw who was chosen as the council’s new deputy mayor.

Outgoing mayor, Cllr Jackson Ng, who proposed Cllr Mason to be his successor, thanked everyone for their support during the previous year, saying he had been ‘very proud’ to have served as the town’s mayor.

Cllr Mason, who has lived in Beaconsfield for 33 years, said he ‘loves the town’ and is pleased to be able to give something back to the community.

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He said: “I am honoured to be elected as Mayor and am thankful for the confidence you have placed in me.

“The council have worked well as a team and I hope that we will continue to do so, up to and beyond the next election.”

Traditionally, the new mayor chooses charities to support, often one local and one national.

Cllr Mason announced that he would be supporting the Beaconsfield Community Association and Guide Dogs for the Blind.

He also said he hoped to specifically support youth projects with both organisations.

The new mayor was congratulated by his fellow councillors, including Alastair Pike who said that ‘since being elected in 2021, Cllr Mason has been the hardest working councillor’.

Cllr Paul Henry said his election was ‘well-deserved’.

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