AN Asthma sufferer was forced to temporarily move out of her home due to high CO2 levels she believes is caused by smouldering waste in Hazlemere.

Charlotte Graham, who's been using an air quality device called Home Coach for many years, received shocking alerts on her mobile phone on Friday night (May 17).

A burning pile of waste at the Bellway Homes site in Amersham Road has been producing a smoke with a 'burning rubber smell' for nearly three weeks.

The housing developer confirmed the waste will be cleared on Thursday, May 23.

ALSO READ: Bellway Homes: Clearance at Amersham Road site imminent

Charlotte, who lives on Inkerman Drive, near the site, said: "My phone alerted us to the very high CO2 readings. They were significantly higher than we'd ever seen before."

The worrying air quality forced her to evacuate her home and seek sanctuary with relatives in Amersham, fearing the adverse effects of the polluted air on her health condition.

Bucks Free Press:

She detailed her terrifying experience adding: "We needed to urgently open windows but to our horror we realised that although the reading was very bad inside the house, on opening the front door it was even worse outside!"

Her husband decided to stay behind to monitor the air quality that evening.

In fear for her breathing and the permeating reach of the polluted air, she made the decision to leave.

However, due to changing wind directions around 11pm, Charlotte and her daughter were able to return home as CO2 levels decreased.

Dozens of residents are demanding action from Bellway Homes to stop the smoke once and for all.

Jen Lyons said: "I have gone from being annoyed by all of this to being really quite worried and often frightened at what we are breathing in. I have three small children that are continuously in the area and are at the local schools.

"When all is said and done are we as residents going to get any compensation for what we have had to put up with or any assurance that whatever it is we are/have been breathing in for nearly a month isn't going to cause any long term health issues and will they be offering everyone in the area or a health check when/if it is confirmed that the contents burning is damaging/poisonous?"

"I really hope you are able to get some answers - it's no surprise they are shutting the doors, no one will want to comment on the disgusting failures or admit to allowing an entire village to suffer."

The Environment Agency said they are still investigating the circumstances of the "alleged illegal deposit of waste".

Adding: “We are supporting Bucks County Council, who are leading on the incident, and Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service.

"We have also written to the landowner to formalise the need for them to clear the waste."

A spokesman at Bellway said: "Bellway has been working hard with key stakeholders to deal with the significant fly-tipping and resultant fire at Hazlemere. It is a complex issue, which requires the co-ordination of several agencies before any materials can be removed from site.

"We would like to reiterate that the health & wellbeing of local residents remains our priority, which is why we are following the correct procedures before removal can begin. One of the main issues is identifying the waste materials on site, which is why tests were being conducted. Our contractor is now preparing to commence the safe removal of the material and clearance works on Thursday 23rd May.

"Although Bellway is the owner of the land, it was not responsible for the dumping of waste, which was a criminal activity, and we have worked hard to rectify it at considerable cost to us, in the quickest and safest way possible."

Mark Winn, Cabinet Member for Housing & Regulatory Services said: “We share residents’ frustrations about this incident, and we continue to work with the landowner (Bellway Homes) and Bucks Fire & Rescue and the Environment Agency to find a resolution.

“We have contacted these organisations again today (Monday 20 May) and await a response. We know this incident is causing a lot of concern in the local area and we are doing everything we can within our powers to push for the land to be cleared as soon as is practicably possible.

“Until a resolution is reached, Bucks Fire & Rescue is advising local people with any concerns to shut doors and windows and to keep away from the smouldering materials. Residents who are concerned regarding the potential inhalation of smoke should contact NHS 111 or their GP for further advice.”