Concerns have been raised about the care a much-loved homeless man in High Wycombe received leading up to his death.

Edward 'Eddie/Edd' McDonald, who was living at the Old Tea Warehouse on Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, died on Sunday, May 5.

He had not long woken up from a deep sleep where he complained about 'feeling unwell', before suffering from a ‘significant bleed’ his partner has said.

The police have confirmed Mr McDonald’s death is being treated as ‘non-suspicious’ but ‘unexplained’, with a coroner set to examine the circumstances at an inquest to be held at a future date.

However, those closest to Eddie have voiced concerns about the care he was receiving at the Old Tea Warehouse prior to his death. 

One friend, who wanted to remain anonymous, claimed staff at the Old Tea Warehouse were ‘out of their depth’ in terms of how to treat an injured tenant, before stating that ‘training is essential’.

He said: “On May 5, Edward McDonald died after crawling into a reception area where he lived.

“I think the staff were so shocked and out of their depth that the poor McDonald bled out on the floor.

“This is a terrible turn of events, but I hope this shows training is essential.”

His partner, Allison Rondel, has also claimed that by the time an ambulance arrived to help the 57-year-old, he had already passed away.

She told the Free Press: “I woke him up about 3pm that afternoon [May 5], and he told me that he didn’t feel well.

“He said ‘I just want to go back to go sleep’ and I said ‘not a problem’ before we had a kiss and a cuddle, and he went back to bed.

“But an hour or so later, he walked into the reception area [at the Old Tea Warehouse], and was bleeding.

“An ambulance was called and he died before they arrived.”

“We were together for four years but I had known him for eight/nine.

“He was a lovely man.”

A spokesperson from the Old Tea Warehouse, which is run by the Riverside Group in Liverpool, told the Free Press that they ‘couldn’t comment’ on specific cases, but are currently conducting their own internal investigation, whilst also assisting the coroner with their own findings.

Following his sudden and tragic passing, Mr McDonald, who was also known as ‘the man who sat outside Iceland’, has been remembered with a makeshift memorial outside his regular spot along the High Wycombe High Street, which has since grown over the last fortnight.

Flowers, football shirts belonging to his favourite team [Chelsea FC], along with numerous pictures and comments, have been left in his memory.