A man who was attacked in a recent High Wycombe stabbing remains in a ‘stable condition’ in hospital.

At around 4am on Saturday, May 18, a man was attacked at a property in Tilling Crescent in the Micklefield area of the town.

Following the incident, two men, aged 29 and 32, both from High Wycombe, were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder on the same day [May 18].

They have both been released on police bail until August 1.

Two days after the incident, a 40-year-old man was also arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, and has also been bailed.

Their bail runs out on August 2.

Since the stabbing occurred, a cordon has been put in place.

Forensics were also spotted at the scene. 

Senior investigating officer Detective Inspector Tejinder Sidhu, of the Priority Crime Team, said: “We have now made three arrests in connection with this stabbing in Micklefield as we continue our investigation.

“The community may have seen an increased police presence as a result, including the scene watch that has been in place in Tilling Crescent since Saturday morning.

“I expect the cordon to remain in place for the time being so I would like to thank the residents for their patience.

“Uniformed officers have also been patrolling the area so please speak to one of them if you have any concerns.

“If you wish to report any information about the assault, you can contact police by calling 101 or using the online form, quoting reference 43240231135.

“Alternatively you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers if you wish to remain anonymous.

“We take serious violence such as this extremely seriously and will be relentless in our pursuit of offenders.”