Thames Valley Police cracked down on a high number of driving offences during an operation in High Wycombe, including burglary, drug-fuelled driving and mobile phone use.

Officers from the force’s Neighbourhood Team and Roads Policing Unit, alongside the DLVA, carried out the 24-hour traffic operation around the town on Monday, May 20.

And there was no shortage of vehicular crime to be found in Wycombe, with 157 speeding drivers caught, one motorist arrested for drug driving, another for burglary and eight people operating a car without insurance.

Police also took part in a high-speed pursuit, for which a driver was arrested and remanded for dangerous driving.

33 vehicles were recovered during the operation, with 29 being clamped, eight people cautioned for seatbelt offences, three for mobile phone use, three for not having a licence and seven for not having vehicle tax.

One person was caught running a red light, three did not have up-to-date MOTs, and officers also recorded tinted window, trade plate and tyre offences.

A spokesperson for Thames Valley Police said: “These operations focus on those who do not care about the rules of the road.

“This is an area that affects everyone’s safety and impacts the price of insurance for everyone. These types of operations will become more regular in High Wycombe.