The most recent episode of a popular BBC show has focused on the flooding/sewage issues that have impacted two areas in South Buckinghamshire.

Countryfile, which aired its latest instalment of the current season on May 19, saw presenter Joe Crowley visit both Chesham and Chalfont St Peter, where he spoke to members of the public who have been badly impacted by the crisis.

At the start of 2024, heavy rain caused various parts of the latter to go underwater, causing floods and sewage issues.

Many businesses were forced to close, car parks in the village were cordoned off, whilst residents revealed that human waste was coming up via their sinks.

In Chesham, it was revealed that untreated waste water had made its way into the River Chess, causing many issues.

Farmer Paul Jennings, who is the chair of the River Chess Association, began monitoring the water quality 15 years ago after becoming concerned about pollution.

In the episode, he is seen standing in the river carrying out an inspection.

“When asked about what he’d think he’d find in the river, Mr Jennings said: “Noting of any real note.

“There’s a whole host of revolting-looking bits of sewage fungus, the odd dead pea muscle, little bits of paper and plastic.

“There’s a distinct change in colour [in the River Chess] due to the sewage fungus, and sewage fungus is a bacterial slime which is a clear indicator that there is a discharge problem.”

“It takes weeks to form and it sucks the life out of everything in the river.

“it’s happening in plain sight.

“It’s revolting.”

The River Chess is a stone’s throw away from the Chesham Sewage Works which is run by Thames Water.

In Chalfont St Peter, the presenter spoke to parish councillor Anne Marie Vlader who expressed her concerns of the lack of progression that has been made in trying to solve the village’s ongoing flooding issues.

The area was badly impacted in 2014, but many have stated that this year’s floods were ‘worse’.

Speaking on the sewage contamination, she said: “We’re poisoning our environment and I don’t have any confidence at all.

“We need a coordinated approach as this is the worst that we’ve seen.

“This is impacting homes.”

Last month, around 400 people attended a public meeting in the village to get answers from Buckinghamshire Council, Thames Water and the Environment Agency about the ongoing issues.

However, the gathering descended into chaos residents were met with a workshop-type convention, with tables of leaflets and flyers being distributed.

Those attending were led to believe that the two-hour event on April 16 was going to be an open Q&A, with representatives from each organisation sitting on a panel.

To watch the full episode, go to