A BOY has touched a woman in her 60s inappropriately whilst riding his bike.

Police received a report of a woman being touched over her clothing in Crownhill, Milton Keynes on Monday, May 13.

The incident happened at about 3.25pm when the victim was walking along Presley Way when a boy on a pushbike approached her and touched over her clothing.

The victim was not injured and called the police.

The offender is described as an Asian teenage boy, aged around 13-years-old. He was of slim build, at around 5ft 3ins tall and had short black hair that was sticking up.

Investigating officer PC Sanain Tariq, said: “This was a concerning incident and we carrying out an investigation in order to locate the offender.

“If anyone has seen this incident or recognises the boy from the description then please do get in touch with. You can provide information via our online reporting page or by calling 101 quoting reference 43240221992.

“If you do not wish to speak to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”