A 24-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of kidnap and common assault following an incident in Beaconsfield.

Between 12.30pm and 1pm on Monday, May 20, a white woman, aged in her early 20s, is seen to be removed from the boot of a car by a man in the car park of Beaconsfield Services just off junction 2 of the M40.

Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses following an incident of suspected kidnap and assault in Beaconsfield.

The victim has been safeguarded and was not injured and a 24-year-old man from Leamington Spa was arrested on suspicion of kidnap and common assault.

He has since been released on conditional police bail while investigations continue.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Dean Spain, based at Aylesbury police station, said: “We’re in the very early stages of this investigation, and I am appealing to anybody who was in the services at around the time of this incident and witnessed what happened to please get in touch with Thames Valley Police.

“You can do so by making a report online or by calling 101, quoting reference 43240234817.

“You can also submit digital evidence, such as dash-cam, mobile phone or CCTV footage via our dedicated portal for this investigation.

“The victim in this case was not injured and work has been ongoing to safeguard her while our investigation continues.

“If you do not wish to speak directly with police, you can also call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”