A man caught driving with cocaine in his system has been fined hundreds of pounds.

Christian Eastaff, 32, from Great Linford, was stopped by police at Milton Keynes on September 23, 2022.

He had been driving a BMW 740.

The defendant was tested, and the proportion of cocaine in his blood was found to be no less than 14 micrograms per litre - above the legal limit.

At Milton Keynes Magistrates' Court on February 22, Eastaff was convicted of drug-driving.

He was handed a community order, and will be required to undertake 20 days of rehabilitation activities.

Eastaff has been disqualified from driving for six months, and must take part in a drug rehabilitation course.

In addition, he must pay the court £620 in costs, and a £114 victim surcharge - on top of a £50 fine.