Church attendance in the Oxford Diocese, including Buckinghamshire, has risen in the past year, paralleling recent national data from the Church of England.

Research in the Statistics for Mission study reveals recovery from pandemic lockdowns, with attendance reaching 84 per cent of 2019 levels, up from 81 per cent in 2022.

This data equates to approximately three more people at each church weekly.

Bishop Steven praised the figures, saying: "We are encouraged by this continued upward trend for which I commend the hard work and devotion of clergy, lay ministers and church officers.

"We are seeing a long, slow regathering of the people of God, by the grace of God.

"We give thanks for the rebuilding of our church communities and for the prayer and ministry of our parishes which has led to this."

Despite this progress, the bishop added: "But there is much to do.

"We recognise ministry to families has been slower to recover which is why, as a diocese, we will be renewing our focus on bringing the Gospel to all ages, especially children."

These numbers are crucial for the Church to understand the success of their aim of making disciples and serving the Kingdom of God, revealing where disciples are gained, lost, and where potential difficulties lie.