A man has appeared in court charged with shooting a police officer in the leg with a crossbow.

Jason King, 54, of School Close, Downley, appeared at Reading Crown Court this afternoon (May 23). He wore a grey blanket around him, and walked with the aid of a frame.

King was detained following an incident in Downley, near High Wycombe, on May 10. Around 6pm, a police officer responding to reports of a stabbing was shot in the leg with a crossbow bolt.

Armed police were called to the scene, and a man armed with a crossbow was shot in a children's play area.

King stands charged with two counts of unlawful and malicious wounding, possession in private of a curved sword, possession of cannabis, affray, criminal damage to a door, possession of a crossbow in a public place, possession of a lock knife in a public place and cultivation of cannabis.

In addition, he has been charged with assaulting a nurse on May 12, two days after the Downley incident.

King was remanded in custody ahead of a plea hearing at Aylesbury Crown Court on June 18.