A WOMAN is walking 4,000 steps a day to raise funds for her elderly rescue pug in need of surgery.

Christina Meredith walks her dog JanetPumpkin in a buggy around Downley Common, hoping to raise £1,000 for her surgery. 

The charity Pug Life, who rescued her, named her Janet although Christina renamed her Pumpkin. As the charity maintains a fond interest in her progress she is known as JanetPumpkin

Bucks Free Press:

Christina's goal is to cover 4,000 steps each day - a total of 20,000.

Christina hopes not only to collect funds for her beloved rescue pug's medical needs but also to spotlight the plight of animal charities, particularly when it comes to extravagant vet bills.

"My pug JanetPumpkin is an elderly rescue who was found neglected," said Christina.

"She has trouble walking due to spinal problems."

JanetPumpkin is now a "wonderful, funny, happy little dog," who, despite her heartbreaking past, shines with an uncrushable spirit.

Her rescue story, however, is not completely devoid of hardships.

A recent visit to the vet unearthed a slew of severe medical issues, including rotten teeth and a need for her to be spayed due to signs of Pyometra, a critical condition that infects the uterus. 

The predicted cost for JanetPumpkin's surgery looms at approximately £850.

Christina, who lost another rescue pug to an expensive illness shortly before Easter this year, vowed to raise the money herself.

"I felt I could not ask the charity for further financial help and therefore decided to try to raise funds myself," she said.

Along their fundraising walks, Meredith, JanetPumpkin, and Esmeralda (her second dog) witnessed an outpouring of support.

Christina said: "We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of people in Downley, those we have met on Downley Common and members of Pug Life. 

"People we have met have been so positive with their encouragement for us to keep going and wishing us ‘Good Luck’ with our fundraising."

The trio is now on the brink of achieving their £1000 target, with their last 4,000-step walk scheduled for Commonside, on May 24, weather permitting.

Any funds exceeding their goal will forwarded to the charity to assist another needy pug.

Christina added: "We would all like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has donated so far towards Janet Pumpkins care. 

JanetPumpkin's upcoming surgery is slated for May 28.

"It is my hope," stated Christina, "that by having surgery, she can continue to live a carefree and happy life."

Visit https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/20000-steps-with-my-two-pugs-in-their-pugbuggy to donate.