A 19-year-old man from High Wycombe has been jailed after he was spotted chasing members of the public with a machete.

Hasnat Khan, of Spearing Road, admitted to one count each of possession of a pointed/bladed article in a public place, dangerous driving, and driving without insurance.

He was jailed for a year and a half and will be subject to a Serious Violence Reduction Order for one year upon release from prison.

The order allows the police to detain a person subject to an SVRO, provided they are in a public place, and search them for bladed articles or offensive weapons. To breach an SVRO is an offence.

Investigating officer, PC Scott North, explained: “On the evening of January 12, 2024, Khan was sighted on CCTV chasing after individuals on Rutland Avenue in High Wycombe, whilst in possession of a machete.

“Khan was goading the people he was chasing, trying to start an altercation with them.

“He then drove a vehicle towards the group, mounting the pavement as he did so. He then proceeded to reverse at speed onto a roundabout before driving the wrong way around the roundabout during the offence.

“Thames Valley Police responded and arrested Khan the same day.

“He was then charged with the offences the following day.

“Such behaviour will not be tolerated by Thames Valley Police.

“We will arrest you, we will charge you, and we will bring you before the courts.”

Khan was sentenced at Aylesbury Crown Court on Monday, May 20.