A TEACHER, thrown out of a Buckinghamshire school for sexually abusing boys in his care, has been jailed three decades after the attacks took place.

Edward Carson, 56, of Cherry Lane Gardens, Ipswich, Suffolk, was jailed for two years after pleading guilty to attacks on two pupils at the school, which cannot be identified for legal reasons.

Aylesbury Crown Court heard that Carson was sacked from the school in the 1970s after his victims complained of sexual abuse.

Christopher Donnellan, prosecuting, said both victims, now adults, had complained Carson performed sex acts on them and also took photos.

Photos of the victims were found by police when they searched his home after Carson was arrested in 2001.

Carson taught at the school for four years. When confronted by another member of staff, Carson was unrepentant and was sacked.

The Department of Education also banned him from teaching although this was revoked in 1979.

He spent the next 12 years teaching at a boarding school in Sussex.

Jailing Carson, Judge Roger Connor told him he exhibited all the classic signs of paedophilia. He said: "Only a sentence of imprisonment would be appropriate for dealing with these offences."

Carson was jailed for two years for two counts of buggery, six months concurrent for each of seven indecent assaults and seven days concurrent for possession of indecent photos.