Did you know a new way of paying for car parking is being introduced in Wycombe?

Called RinGo (which stands for Ring and Go) the scheme allows you to pay by mobile telephone, it started on 1st June and costs an extra 20p on top of your parking charge each time you use the service.

Now we will have five different ways to pay to park, these being permits, scratchcards, credit cards, coins and mobile telephone.

Why is there such an obsession with making people pay to park in this town? Surely there could be some areas created where parking was free or is this too much to ask?

Before the High Street was pedestrianised it was so easy to park outside the shop you were visiting and nip in to get what you wanted. Why should I pay to park my car in the town where I live?

Even though I have one of those mobile telephone contraptions if my car ever goes into a car park my preferred method of payment will still be coins in the ticket machine, perhaps someone could come up with an imaginative name for that method of payment too?

When paying by coins you have to fiddle around at the machine and stick the ticket in your car window. You can Ring and Go if you want, I say fiddlesticks to it!