CONGRATULATIONS to organisers of St Leonards Parish Fete who put on another brilliant show at the weekend.
This small country show, just outside Chesham, seems to get better year after year.
I don't know anyone in St Leonards personally but have attended the event now for quite a while because it remains quintessentially, dottily English.
My favourite attraction - apart from the horses and dogs - is probably the morris dancing display.
Six singing men, dressed up like flowery lunatics, do a bizarre stick-whacking dance while two other similarly attired nutcases play accordions.
As a teenager, I despised this sort of thing.
Now, with the 'maturity' of age, I absolutely love the total madness of it - and better appreciate its link with our rural past.
I should also add that my dark-skinned, Sri Lanka-born wife could easily feel out of place in this very English spot if it wasn't for the warm welcome she consistently receives from local St Leonard-ites.
There was some disappointment, however.
My two youngsters had been hoping to see St Leonards resident and ex-Blue Peter presenter Matt Baker - who they met last year - open proceedings again.
But minutes before we set out, they actually spotted Matt himself on TV helping with the BBC's Derby Day coverage, something which put a dampener on their hopes.
Their depression didn't last long.
When we got to St Leonards, they quickly realised that another of their ex-Blue Peter favourites - Simon Thomas - had been brought in instead.
So the day was saved.
And I still got back in time to watch Frankie Dettori win the Derby at the 15th attempt with a glass of wine in my hand.