THE November meeting of the Probus Club of High Wycombe proved as popular as ever when, after luncheon in the Vere Suite at Adams Park, the members welcomed Councillor David Gantzel who took them on a guided tour of The Islands Around Britain.

Members entertained their ladies at the December meeting and there were seasonal songs and dances from It's Not Them Again. For membership inquiries, please phone Bill Nugent on 01494 813217.

SCANNAPPEAL'S Scottish Entertainment tickets are now on sale for A Touch of Tartan, the theme for a traditional Burns Night, in aid of Scannappeal to be held on Friday, January 25. Celebrate in style at Wycombe Heights Golf Club and have a good time while supporting a cause that benefits many local people. Tickets are £25 each including dinner and dancing. Tables seating eight people are available. Contact the Scannappeal office on 01494 727752 for further information. All money raised will go towards The Women's Appeal for £300,000 to equip a dedicated scanning and procedures centre for women in South Buckinghamshire.

LACK of space prevented my entry for BLF Breathe Easy Buckinghamshire being reported last week. However they are holding their next meeting at Wycombe Hospital in the new building on the first floor on Monday, January 14, 2.30pm in the Marlow Room. Ashley Green from the British Lung Foundation will answer members' questions, such as "how is your fundraising money spent?" and any other questions.

THE Mayor has asked me to remind readers that he has arranged a multi-faith gathering to take place next Sunday, January 13, at 2pm, at The Cressex Community School. There will be an opportunity for everyone in the town to register their sorrow at the loss of the people who have died because of acts of terrorism throughout the world, and to look forward with hope for the future. The Mayor's Chaplain, the Reverend Peter Bradley, will open the gathering. There will be contributions from the Baha'l faith, Muslim, Christian and Jewish groups. Everybody is welcome.

By Jim Tanner