FIRST night of the Pantomime is next Friday in the village hall. If you do not have a ticket, go along to the box office on Saturday morning where you may be lucky enough to get one. If not, the show will be on for the next two weeks so you ought to be in time. Phone 01494 883887 if you prefer.

THE long story of the new Youth and Community centre for Lane End, which has had many and varied incarnations is still 'on the cards'. Plans have at last been submitted to add the new building on to the side of the school.

Fundraising though, is essential to the tune of £50,000, in order to complete the project. There will be a meeting at the Elim centre on Tuesday between 7pm and 8.30pm. Please go along and offer your help, either with direct fundraising, with sponsored events, jumble sales or by finding out about available grants or similar money-making schemes. Please contact Nicky Willis at the school on 01494 881169 or Dave Furze at Wycombe District Council on 01494 421853 for more information.

THE new Toddler group starts in the village on January 22. All parents with toddlers are welcome on a Tuesday between 2.30pm and 4.30pm at the cost of £1 per family.

DAY School organisers need a replacement escort for the minibus on a Friday, as the last helper has moved to Dorset. Only a short time is needed, between 9.15am and 10.15 am, and the return trip in the afternoon, starting at 2.15pm. Please contact Carol on 01494 883350 if you can help occasionally.

AGM of the Twinning Association is coming up on January 25 and this time a new Chairman and Treasurer are needed. The twinners seem to have a lot of fun, both in this country and in France at our twin village. If you would like to be a part of the organisation, go along to the meeting in the village hall, or phone Alan on 01494 882644.

By Gillian Swift