My lunchtime walk today took me down the High Street towards Wycombe Library. When I got to the Library the doors were closed and there was a notice informing readers that the library was closed due to a move to the complex. The notice went on to say that a mobile library was parked around the back.

The old library was such a wonderful building that literally oozed with character it really is a shame to see it shut down. Whenever I visited it was always busy with people of all ages and was one of the few buildings in the town that could claim to have something to offer all ages of the community. The added bonus of the nearby library gardens with its wonderful flower displays made a trip to the old library a most pleasant experience.

Sadly there are no flowers or plants to admire at the new location in the complex. The only feature of note nearby is a rather dubious fountain which looks like the sharp end of a hypodermic needle sticking out of the ground. From the outside the glass and metal of the new library building looks like an oversized greenhouse. The new building isn’t a patch on the old one and in my opinion the move is a major step backwards for the town. Although I must admit that so far I haven’t seen the inside of the new library and my current opinion is formed only on the outside of the building which is far from pleasant.

As far as I am aware it is yet to be decided what to do with the old building in Queen Victoria Road. Being in such a prominent location surely it must be put to good use to serve the community once again. So what use could it be put to? Personally I would like to see it used as art gallery. We don’t have anywhere for the towns people to show their artistic skills and the old library would be most suitable.

Whatever use is found for the old library the move to the complex is yet another blow for the High Street as the library was a major attraction and its closure is a sad day for Wycombe.

Do you have any ideas as to what the old library building could be used for?