We are certainly having some hot sunny weather lately with wall to wall sunshine from dawn to dusk and night time temperatures in double figures. For some the weather is perfect but for others it’s just unbearable.

Being a touch overweight the hot weather is not something that I look forward to as it’s difficult enough just walking along in the cooler temperatures but having to battle with the intense heat makes things unbearable. Even driving in my car is uncomfortable as my car does not have air conditioning. No, hot weather is not something that I look forward to.

I wonder how long it will be before the water companies impose a hose pipe ban? We had quite a wet winter so the water table in Wycombe must be quite high. Sadly most of the green fields have been built on and as a result the water which falls flows straight down the drain instead of replenishing the underground aquifers.

Most of the houses in my area are not on water meters so there is no incentive to use less water. I never use a hosepipe not even for watering my plants. Using a watering can helps to keep me fit and also helps to save water. Tonight just as I finished watering my plants one of my neighbours got their hose out and washed their drive down.

Despite my best efforts to save water by using a can it made me very angry to think of all the water being wasted by my neighbour as they washed their driveway. If this summer turns out to be a scorcher we may well need that water later in the year. I think those who waste water should be forced to go on a meter. What do you think?