A new blogger makes a grand entry to the Readers Bucks Blog.

My name is Eris. Sadly, that is not my real name, as my parents did not have the foresight to realise that being named after the Greek goddess of discord would actually be very appropriate for me. I am a 21 year old Classics graduate, and I have decided that enough is enough.

I have become tired of the belittling and decrying of High Wycombe that is done on this website by certain people. I am weary of seeing people constantly running down our town's efforts to move forward into the new millennium.

On this blog there is no representation of people my age, and there is no female representation. No more. Paul & Steve have very kindly agreed to let me have a blog, to try and show people that Wycombe isn't all bad, that actually Wycombe is not an unpleasant place to live.

I went away and lived at uni for three years, and I actively chose to come back. There surely has to be something about this town, therefore.

My next blog entry, which will be within the next couple of days, will be the start of my campaign to bring back the joy we should all be taking in our town. This entry was just to say hello.

So hello. Lovely to see you all, I hope we will become rather splendid friends!