RADIO veteran Terry Wogan has thrown his weight behind a campaign that could net almost £500,000 for a Bucks charity.

The broadcasting personality backed a Government promise to donate 50p for every £1 the Buckinghamshire Community Foundation raises.

If the group raises £960,000 by March 2011, the Government will make a donation of £480,000.

Speaking at a fund raising reception at Hedsor House, Taplow, Sir Terry said: “The people of Britain always seem to respond best when their backs are against the wall, as they are now in the face of the current financial crisis.

“At times like this, Buckinghamshire Community Foundation finds that their grants to community groups are more valuable than ever as they help to support those who suffer most in times of financial crisis.

“I urge everyone in Buckinghamshire to give what they can afford to support this campaign – after all, how often does the Government offer to give money back to us?”

The group received £25,000 worth of donations at the December 2 reception. The Government will now donate a further £12,500, bringing the total to £37,500.

The Buckinghamshire Community Foundation is a hub charity – a group that collects donations and hands out money to needy causes.