Amersham & Wycombe College’s Business, Retail and Project Management courses are attracting strong local interest, with companies and individuals keen to nurture and develop management skills. Natasha Genese, 28 from High Wycombe, one of over 30 students enrolled on the College’s business courses and mid-way through a Foundation Degree in Business Management, is a shining example of how the course can help develop hidden potential.

“I started out as a medical secretary with Wycombe General Hospital about five years ago,” says Natasha. “I slowly moved up into positions of increased responsibility but always wanted to go further. Since enrolling for this course over a year ago, it has helped me to grow in confidence whilst addressing areas I had little experience of previously, such as finance, and management issues like dealing with people.”

“I was encouraged by my progress and recently applied for a more senior position with WGH,” Natasha adds. “I went along for interview with a portfolio of work I’d completed and everything I’d learnt at the College came up in conversation. It felt so good to be able to provide all of the answers. As a result of attending the interview, I was offered the position of Team Leader, a position I feel that I would not have been considered for if I had not enrolled on the course.”

“Studying business management has helped me tremendously. It has given me increased knowledge as well as the confidence to stand up in front of people and make convincing presentations. If you want to move forward into any line of management this is a vital course that I wholeheartedly recommend,” she concludes.

Dorothy Smith, Curriculum Manager in Leadership & Management, says, “Our courses have traditionally appealed to both the private and public sector and to companies both large and small. In addition to training, we provide students with career advice and other tools to help them succeed.”