PEOPLE will get their chance to have a say on the Berryfield School site campaign next week but there are doubts over the attendance of Jamiroquai frontman Jay Kay.

Princes Risborough Town Council is hoping the chart-topping singer will front a media campaign and are still hopeful that he will be present at the meeting to show his support.

But a spokesman for the singer, James Windle, said: "There's been a bit of confusion about it. He does support the campaign but he's not actually going to attend the meeting."

When asked whether there were any plans for Jay Kay to do media events in the future on this issue, Mr Windle replied: "Not to my knowledge."

But the town council is still hopeful that the pop star would be putting in an appearance.

Chairman, Cllr Gary Hall, who also chairs the committee set up for the campaign, said: "I was told he would be back and we still expect him to be there.

"He's crucial to the campaign. That's why he's got on board."

Jay Kay's non-appearance would be a blow to the town council, who are expecting regional TV cameras to be at the meeting.

The town council want to buy the Berryfield School site from Buckinghamshire County Council so that they can provide affordable housing exclusively for the people of Princes Risborough. They also want part of it for use as a community centre.

Their plans suffered a setback two weeks ago when the buildings of the disused school were attacked by vandals. But Cllr Hall and other members of the committee have been out petitioning the public and have already signed up more than 1,000 supporters.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday in the secondary school hall at 8pm on Merton Road.

Those attending will be shown a power point presentation which will explain the plans that the council have for the site. There will also be a question and answer session.

Cllr Hall said: "We're happy with the way it's going and we want to build on that at the meeting."