I'm stuck between two boys. I'll explain about both of them then I need you to help me decide!

Boy 1. I know for a fact this boy likes me (he asked me out) and I sort of fancy him...

Boy 2. I really like this boy and I think he likes me because he puts loads of kisses at the end of every text message he writes and always compliments me. The only thing is he lives quite far away and is two years older than me.

Please, please tell me what I should do. Which boy should I pick? Should I make boy one happy and go out with him or take a risk and tell how I feel?

Michelle, aged 12

REPLY: At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with your decision and do what will make you and not someone else - happy.

From your letter, it sounds as though you are flattered that

Boy 1 has asked you out and that you don't want to hurt him, but that you are not sure in your own mind that you want to go out with him.

If you do go out with him, then you may be doing it just to please him and that's not a good basis for a relationship.

As far as Boy 2 goes, you sound much surer of your feelings for him, so it may be worth taking a risk and finding out more about how he feels about you.

Do remember, though, that it is not the end of the world if you end up going out with no-one for now - there will be many other opportunities and this is a great way to start to work out what you are really looking for in a boyfriend.

February 14, 2002 13:39