Thank you for our perfect day

THIS is a letter of thank yous. Last week, the Amersham Round Table and Ladies Circle celebrated our 30th carnival. It was made extra special by having a queen and two princesses who were absolutely enchanting. The crowds loved them. However, none of this would have been possible if it hadn't been for a number of local businesses who sponsored various parts of the pageant.

Firstly, I want to thank Perry from Amersham Sign Design, who made and donated all the sashes worn by the girls. They were perfect. I would also like to thank Dudley Cartwright from Cartwrights of Amersham for the beautiful engraved trophy he donated to the carnival which will be used again and again, and for the beautiful, engraved silver plates he presented to the girls as a token of their day.

I would like to thank Merritts of Amersham who very kindly loaned us a gorgeous red Jaguar for the Royals to parade around the town in.

To all the businesses in Woodside Road, whom I badgered for gifts, thank you so very much for your kind donations. Without your generosity there would be empty stalls and no prizes.

Lastly, but not least, I would like to thank the police for their fabulous support. I know that I have badgered and been very boring about security at the carnival since last September, but we did not want it ruined again by similar events to last year. When we needed you, you were there within minutes and sorted out all the problems throughout the night.

Thank you everyone who made this a special year, and let's do it all again next year!

Councillor Mimi Harker

Hollybush Lane

Chesham Bois